About the Director

If the banner seems familiar it should – it was a site to which I was the webmaster and only writer. It ran for almost 10 years starting in the late 90’s through 2008. I had covered DVD reviews and some of the very first Blu-ray releases.
I have ported to this site some of my interviews, as well as editorials. Some of which were originally done for DVD releases I worked on.
Although I will still conduct some Blu-ray reviews, I will be broadening scope to include equipment reviews, articles, and a proposed section originally intended for the previous site entitled “Pearls”.
“Pearls” will delve into films, lost treasures, misunderstood titles, that have either slipped by the way side, or were simply misunderstood. Films with meaning that may have been trod by irate critics, or with concepts beyond the norm, but carry meaning; and artful prose. Hence the other meaning behind “Pearls”, as in, “before swine”.
There are plenty of sites reviewing product, so why come back here? Unlike others, my background is well grounded as a free-lace writer/reviewer having consulted for the Majors and Minors, FOX Video, Anchor Bay, Walt Disney, Image Ent., Universal, F.H.E. Warner Bros., Paramount, I.T.C, New Video, A&E.
My commentaries have appeared on the DVD releases SANTA CLAUS: THE MOVIE, SUPERGIRL, and an episode of SPACE: 1999, Death’s Other Dominion for the A&E, North American DVD release – to which I was the 8 year consultant for the I.T.C. catalog.
My biggest project was the restoration of the Walt Disney film THE WATCHER IN THE WOODS, for Anchor Bay, DVD.
My writing has appeared in Video Business (Trade), Video Magazine, FILMS IN REVIEW (Theatrical Reviews), LASERVIEWS, MONSTER SCENES, PALMER VIDEO MAGAZINE, HOME THEATER, VIDEO TIMES MAGAZINE, and was interview by THE N.Y. TIMES, and The Hollywood Reporter.
While still in High School a first published work for FANGORIA would later appear as an annotation -source of reference in the B.F.I. (British Film Institute) Modern Classic Edition Retrospective book on THE EXORCIST. A second listed source of reference is in, "LOST ILLUSIONS: AMERICAN CINEMA IN THE SHADOW OF WATERGATE” for an historical cinema piece on SENSURROUND.
For those returning, I thank you. For all who come, welcome.